where to buy 汽車修理手冊,汽車修理工具,枕木?thanks<br>in USA, i bought 汽車修理手冊(like camry 2000)<br>,汽車修理工具(like something to do with 防塵套,<br>to change brake pad,枕木or something(lift the car <br>and put them under the car), i like to work on my own<br>car myself....thanks
96 exsior120000km,漏機油,只有在引擎運轉的時候才會..<br>what is the reason? and serious?...<br>could i neglect it and just add oil sometimes? <br>(漏機油的部分可能有<br>1.汽門蓋墊片<br>2.油底殼墊片<br>3.分電盤油封<br>4.後曲軸油封<br>5.汽缸床墊片...? )<br>thanks
does the maintain-free battery produce any gas harmful?<br>bacause i have a battery , and i use it in the car,is it harmful?<br>and i also have a 攜帶式行動電源,is it harmful in the car?<br>thanks
各位大大,I bought an exsior recently, I do not know what kind of ATF in my car,<br>Is it good原廠換自排油?and how much? 每6萬公里換一次,really??ok?<br>原廠有循環清洗??or it is not necessary. 3Q<br>