quoted from... 在超車、爬坡、加速、多人乘坐或載重時,按下PWR鍵可展現高動力輸出能耐。(按下PWR鍵時儀表板會亮綠燈) 選用此模式,引擎會在較高轉速時,變速箱才跳檔,行 車進入加力加速模式。(亦即有延長加速時間,讓引擎動 力充分發 揮效果) generally speaking , gear 2 is for running down the hill or mountain,used as engine brake..
3 minutes before i stop the engine,i turn off the AC first,1 minute before i stop the engine,i turn to the heat(hottest) to dry the AC (evaporator??),now i have fresh air..and no 一股酸臭味 any more..
領有殘障證明 ===== should the owner of the car have the driving licence? it means== the owner of the car should have the driving licence and 領有殘障證明===then we do not have to pay the tax..?? thanks
dear all: could u please answer my question?thanks ===================================== and i found today it seems leak from the timing belt cover.. so it is from the cam and crank seal,right??? someone suggests: {If it has more than 90,000 miles I would recommend changing the water pump at this time and the cam and crank seal, if they should leak after you replace the timing belt you will have to take everything apart again, other than that it's fairly simple.}. so maybe i should wait until i change the timing belt,and water pump and the cam and crank seal together!!??? ================================== 1=is it possible because I add too much oil(about 150 cc more). I think it costs a lot to change the seal(or ring) there.2= is it dangerous or harmful to other parts? should i fix it ASAP? 3=may I just check it often and add oil ? and wait to change the timing belt together? thanks
dear jeffwang: sorry, cause i type chinese very slow,about 2-3 words per minute. i copy the chinese sentences from some articles. and i do not know the technical terms , either. someone suggests: {If it has more than 90,000 miles I would recommend changing the water pump at this time and the cam and crank seal, if they should leak after you replace the timing belt you will have to take everything apart again, other than that it's fairly simple.}. so maybe i should wait until i change the timing belt,and water pump and the cam and crank seal together!!??? and i found today it seems leak from the timing belt cover.. so it is from the cam and crank seal,right? thanks
我有兩次[防塵套]破裂, (how many km?) 幸好5000公里回廠抓到, 防塵套黃油未漏光, 用[修理包]就搞定!! 如果等10000公里再回廠?! 大概[傳動軸]就掛了!! how much does it cost? may i change 防塵套 about 60000 or 80000 km to prevent this? thanks
96 exsior 9月泡過水但是只到排氣管高度,,,,至今只開40km..clean it and change the oil and ATF,a few days later , 熱車時,下方地上一灘油,(只有在引擎運轉的時候才會.......) 如果是機油與墊片材質不互容, ...is it possible just becausen of the oil or 泡過水??does it cost a lot to fix it?thanks
時規鏈條外蓋滲油. 以保固處理後又於9萬公里保養時發現同一現象. 考量到滲油現象並不嚴重, 並未處理, 但時常觀察, 直到10萬公里保養前, 油尺高度並無明顯降低..my 96 exsior (120000km)might also have the problem? (my picture is in http://cgi.tw.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4343769448&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT) does 保養廠 say:一定要處理???or it does not matter..thanks
漏機油 漏機油的部分可能有 1.汽門蓋墊片 2.油底殼墊片 3.分電盤油封 4.後曲軸油封 5.汽缸床墊片 the picture is in http://cgi.tw.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4343769448&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT