本人車子本身都吃原廠油,現在想換種試試,聽說中油9000系列的都不錯??真否如此?那該用那一種型號呢?多少價位合理??我的車子是tierra RS 1.8~~麻煩指教指教
中油should deserve that much !
Too expensive, man ! Buy Mobil, Catrol, Fina, q8, ...etc, anyone is superior.
See, it just take 3~4 dollars in US to buy a full syntechic oil, even though you buy it at Taiwan, it's worthy than MIT stuff.
Too expensive, man ! Buy Mobil, Catrol, Fina, q8, ...etc, anyone is superior.
See, it just take 3~4 dollars in US to buy a full syntechic oil, even though you buy it at Taiwan, it's worthy than MIT stuff.
OOPS ! I am try to say
中油should NOT deserve that much !
中油should NOT deserve that much !