每一年的美國 SEMA 改裝車展,總會吸引全球各地的車廠、改裝廠、或者零配件廠商前去參展,展出的內容不論是改裝車款或者是自家研發的新配件產品等等,可說是相當多元豐富,而 2016 年也有多達 2,400 家以上的廠商進行參展,展覽也於 11 月 4 日落幕。

不過本次的展覽有一個特殊狀況,那就是專司於 Jeep 車款零配件改裝的 Omix-ADA,向美國內華達州地方法院提起緊急訴訟,檢舉在 SEMA 展場上多達 6 間中國零配件廠涉嫌抄襲山寨自家的商品,因此美國聯邦警察不僅在展期間直接將這 6 間中國廠商請出,同時也沒收所有涉及侵犯智慧財產權的商品。

是專司於 Jeep 車款零配件改裝的 Omix-ADA,向美國內華達州地方法院提起緊急訴訟,檢舉在 SEMA 展場上多達 6 間中國零配件廠涉嫌抄襲山寨自家的商品。

至於該 6 間中國廠商分別是:

  1. Changzhou Jiulong Auto Lamps Factory 常州市九龍汽車燈具廠
  2. Guangzhou Vcan Electronic Technology 廣州威楷電子科技有限公司
  3. Maxgrand Ltd.萬廸有限公司
  4. Sanmak Lighting 佛山市三錦照明有限公司
  5. Shenzhen Unisun Technology 深圳歐諾森科技有限公司
  6. Unity 4wd Accessories 廣州優拓越野車用品有限公司
Omix-ADA 推出的 Jeep 相關車用零配件,卻有著許多中國廠商的山寨品在 SEMA 改裝展中展出。

Omix-ADA 表示,該 6 間中國零配件廠商長期透過 eBay 與 Amazon 等知名網拍網站進行商品販售,但是在未有合作或授權的情況下,產品卻幾乎都是與他們自家公司非常相似的產品,不論是水箱格柵、燈座組件、車輛鈑件等等的零配件,都有著非常多的山寨品;也因此美國地方法官 Gloria Navarro 在美國時間 11 月 2 日星期二便發出禁令與扣押令,並預計將在美國時間 11 月 10 日進行聽證會審判。

廣  告

中國的山寨品在來到美國參與展覽之後,不再如同於中國大陸內如此順利,SEMA 改裝大展的副總裁 Peter MacGillivray 聽聞此事件之後,便立即回應,智慧財產權的保護絕對不能妥協,如果仿冒屬實,未來這些廠商也將不得進入 SEMA 改裝展中進行展出,也是給予其他廠商的保障與信任。

Omix-ADA 的行銷總監 Henk Van Dongen 則表示,他們絕對樂於與其他廠商進行合作開發 Jeep 的售後零配件,縱使沒合作,若是良性的競爭精進也是他們樂於見到的;不過對於山寨品則絕對是孰不可忍的事情,因此 Omix-ADA 絕對會就此事件積極處裡,避免自家產品再被仿造販售。

SEMA 改裝大展副總裁 Peter MacGillivray 表示,如果仿冒屬實,未來這些廠商也將不得進入 SEMA 改裝展中進行展出,也是給予其他廠商的保障與信任。

Omix-ADA 原文聲明稿

On Tuesday, November 2, the US Marshal’s office conducted a search and seizure of a variety of automotive aftermarket products as part of US District Court, Civil Complaint number 2:16-cv-02527-APG-CWH, due to claimed infringements Omix-ADA®‘s patents and trademarks on products sold under the Rugged Ridge® brand. Based upon showing that it was likely to succeed on the merits of its claims for patent and trademark infringement, the district court granted Omix-ADA a restraining order against the certain parts suppliers that led to the search and seizure.

The seizures took place at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) show and Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX), taking place this week in Las Vegas. Omix-ADA worked hand-in-hand with show management teams to follow clear guidelines designed to help combat infringing product at the show, which was enhanced with the court order. Counterfeit product and copyright infringement is in direct violation of SEMA and AAPEX policies and the managing parties have taken appropriate action to remove violating exhibitors from the premises.

As a dedicated exhibitor, Omix-ADA would like to thank SEMA and AAPEX management for their help and cooperation in working with the company to help protect its patent and trademark rights, as well as the aftermarket customers. Omix-ADA is also pursuing litigation with several companies selling infringing product at various online retailers.

The company views counterfeiting and infringement as a serious and widespread problem in the aftermarket industry and one that can be combatted through proper legal channels, and would encourage other members of the aftermarket industry to follow a similar path.